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Appalachian Trail

Getting Started Guide

Appalachian Trail Illustrated Map - HikerFeed Appalachian Trail Illustrated Map - HikerFeed

So, you're looking to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail? You've come the right place. There's loads of resources and information spread all over via the internet, books, and word-of-mouth. Well, we've been in your shoes before, planning a thru-hike but not sure where to begin. We know it's a daunting task which is exactly why we created this guide.

This Getting Started Guide is community driven. That means the community is curating, writing, and helping improve this list so it have all the information you need to start your planning and research. To help keep you focused, it's bundled into bite-sized articles and packed into organized lists. We want your thru-hike to be absolutely incredible and hope this guide helps make it just that.

If you have any suggestions, questions, love, or would like to contribute to this guide, let us know at hikerfeed@gmail.com.

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