Whether you're a hostel, shuttle service, gear outfitter, restaurant, or a trail angel, listing your business on HikerFeed will expose you to a growing community of aspiring and current thru-hikers.
No more print deadlines, permanent typos, or sending emails to request changes to a listing. With a HikerFeed listing you can manage what the community sees, how they find you, and how they can contact you with a few clicks or taps. And what if you want to take a vacation? No more endless missed phone calls during your time off. You can simply turn on "Vacation Mode" and hikers will still see your business but no longer be able to contact you. It's really that easy.
Having your listing in hiker's pockets is essential. But what about those who are planning and aren't on trail yet? Worry not. With one listing you'll have visibility to the community on both HikerFeed.com and the app.
The Angel subscription is meant for those who consider themselves "Trail Angels" and do not charge hikers for
the services they offer.
*This fee is used for verification purposes only and 100% of this fee (after transaction fees) will be
donated to hikers, forwarding along "Trail Magic".
The Standard subscription is meant for those who serve the community with a business.