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Cassidy Camp's 2019 AT Thru-Hike

SoBo Start: Jul 4th

Mental health advocates, Cassidy Camp, who was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) in 2017, and Mason Remillard, her supportive partner, will hike the Appalachian Trail Southbound from Maine to Georgia beginning Independence Day of 2019 to raise awareness of BPD and inspire others struggling with BPD or other mental health issues to overcome a personal obstacle of their own. We hope to raise $10,000, a portion of which will be donated to the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder to fund research and treatments for BPD, and a portion to the National Forest Foundation to help preserve these amazing natural areas for generations to come. The remainder will go toward funding the six month hike. To learn more about our cause, visit www.hiketheborderline.com!

Trail: Appalachian Trail
Direction: sobo
Type of Hike: thru-hike
Year: 2019
Started: Jul 4th, 2019
Days on Trail: 0