this town sucks for hikers no sleep at in town shelter due to meth addalled neighbors who sjout profanities and threats to hikers all nigjt long town seems yo do nothing very unsecure place would recommend skipping place if possible
I can't rave about this town enough. The free pavilion has everything you need from outlets to charge your phone to a portapotty and a shower. It's in the backyard of an affordable restaurant and across the street from a local grocery store. A dollar general and post office and library are also close. Literally one of everything you could need! They do a farmers market occasionally that is also worth checking out. There are signs with phone numbers for shuttles as you descend onto the road, and hitching isnt hard either.
There’s a dollar general in town for a decent resupply. There’s also a place in town for hikers to camp. However, it can get a bit rowdy and may not be best if you’re looking for a quiet night.