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21 miles
Today was actually really nice. I pushed really hard to get here. I was really proud of myself for pushing as hard as I did. I saw a bear while sitting and getting trail magic with Dana Hand. She thru hiked before and was telling me that she's writing a book on self made hiking gear. She gave me an apple and chocolate milk.
I hiked mainly alone and finally met Sarah right before the shelter. We got up super early and me and Samwise and I and Sarah. We went to Kroger and then got on the trail and said our goodbyes. It was sad since we won't see him again most likely. We are really pushing to get up early and do another 21 in time for the post office. I think we can do it
I wrestled a lot with insecurities and anxiety today but I'm just so happy to be back in the trail. I feel no more stress or anxiety. I'm strong and feel good
Good times!