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Day 4

Day 4

Trash Panda Mar 4th, 2021
Trash Panda's 2021 AZT Thru-Hike

The soreness has begun to set in. A familiar pain long forgotten. It has been 20 months since our last long distance backpacking trip. In that time you begin to forget about the lows and only remember the highs.

In hindsight our last thru-hike attempt, on the Pacific Creat Trail, was full of unbelievable beauty and fun filled days. However, it also entailed aching bodies and eventually having to leave the trail due to overuse injuries. A disappointment to say the least. This time we have a plan to take it slower in the beginning to allow our bodies time to adjust to life on trail. Even though we are attempting to avoid injuries our bodies still ache.

Muscles you would never know you have begin to ache when taking up long distance backpacking. Shoulders begin to feel the weight of your pack, feet start to feel the result of being firmly planted into the earth tens of thousands of times per day, and your legs scream back at you for the torture you are putting them through. To my surprise, my trapezius muscles are the most tender. The use of trekking poles all day is a motion my body has not experienced in some time.

As we made our way through the day we were greeted with rolling hills and wide open views of mountains in every direction. Such beauty had me in awe as I hiked on. A gentle comfort that faded my aching shoulders, tender feet, and sore legs to the back of my mind, if only for a short time.

Daily Mileage: 12.9 Total AZT Miles Backpacked: 38.6 of 788.7

Previous: Mar 3rd, 2021
Next: Mar 5th, 2021

Comments (1)

Forrest Gump Mar 12th, 2021

I know the feeling all too well of forgetting about the lows and only focusing on the highs. You know as well as I do that it’s all worth it!
