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Waking up with a town day on your mind definitely picks up your pace. We got up also knowing that we had a car waiting for us. The morning itself was fairly uneventful. Mackenzie and I were both exhausted and ready for some rest. We kept our heads down and pushed for 24 miles to Baker Pass. Once we got to the pass, it was a quick ride into Tahoe City which if you’ve been to both Tahoe City and South Lake Tahoe, one is definitely more exciting than the other.
It’s Rummages birthday tomorrow so we’re celebrating a bit tonight as she plans on driving around with friends off the PCT. I’m not sure what her job was but she worked in the Tahoe area for some time.
Spoons, Fly Lord, Mackenzie, Sonic and I all got an AirBnb in town for the next two nights. Looking forward to the rest and relaxation. Olympics binge watch.