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July 21, 2024 - Day 65

July 21, 2024 - Day 65

jbwils Jul 22nd, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

Early morning this morning… 5 AM wake up to hike 18 miles for a 3PM shuttle into Kennedy Meadows North. We walked by the official 1000 mile mark at mile 1001.4. The trail changes so much that the mile markers never seem accurate. Still, it was cool to see.

The hike itself was one of my favorites. Pretty wild elevation gain through what one coined as ‘moonscape’. Barren landscape with boulders and rocks. Mackenzie noted that part of the trail looked like Bryce Canyon. As we got closer and closer to Sonora Pass, our exit to KMN, more and more day hikers were walking towards us. It was a great reminder of how close we were to beer and burgers.

After reaching Sonora Pass, we ran into a trail angel named Emory who was giving out burritos, beer, and resupply food. It was such an amazing surprise as we were waiting for the shuttle. Then, Emory gave us the idea to get a hitch into town which made the ride a lot cheaper. The shuttle was $10 and the hitch was free.

Kennedy Meadows North is a pack station and camp ground with fly fishing and a saloon. It’s a pretty cool scene and the cowboys all get a kick out of the PCT hikers, buying our beers and asking us questions. We met a waitress by the name of Deseray that let us camp in her front yard so no need to pay for the $50 bed. We’re pleased.

Enjoying the cool nights and looking forward to some sleep.

Happy dreams…

Previous: Jul 21st, 2024
Next: Jul 23rd, 2024

Comments (1)

Bnp10 Aug 4th, 2024

This terrain looks like mars
