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July 15, 2024 - Day 59

July 15, 2024 - Day 59

jbwils Jul 16th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

We woke up last night to a group near us screaming at a bear. We figured they must be JMT’ers as they seemed to be in a bit of a panic having just started their hike. We all heard the commotion and rolled over heading back to sleep.

We got to sleep in a bit as breakfast wasn’t until 8AM. Pancakes, coffee, eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns. A perfect meal. As our tent was drying from the morning dew, we wandered a bit around and got all of our gear in order. It wasn’t until about 11 that we got moving. Just a fifteen mile day so not too much of a time crunch.

We decided to do the JMT portion of this section as the PCT trail didn’t have many views and we heard of some awesome views of the surrounding mountains with lakes. After a quick stop at Devils Postpile, a basalt rock formation we made it to the JMT. The rumors were true… the first couple miles were a bit tough as our packs are full and we were walking up hill. But then we reached the series of lakes. The snowmelt gives the water the bluest color and without wind, offers a wonderful reflection of the mountains beyond.

We had a slow hike stopping every so often to eat or rest and made it to a portion of the trail with very little mosquitoes so we decided to have dinner. I unfortunately left my stove at the campground bear box so I had to wait my turn. Marmots joined us for dinner, roughly five of them. Their curiosity brought them within five feet of us and gave us some entertainment.

We hiked the additional three miles down to our campsite at Thousand Island Lake. One of the prettiest campsites on trail so far.

Happy trails…

Previous: Jul 15th, 2024
Next: Jul 17th, 2024

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