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June 28, 2024 - Day 41

June 28, 2024 - Day 41

jbwils Jun 28th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

Ahh a zero day. Where consuming your body weight in pancakes, burgers, and beer becomes a near necessity to avoid losing too many pounds.

Grumpy Bears has a great set up for PCT hikers. Granted, we are their only customers. They have a gear outfitters with resupply items, bear can rentals, and a shuttle to the trail head. It makes life way easier. The goal on a zero is always walk less than 10,000 steps. Even when not hiking, there are plenty of chores to do that unfortunately require a good bit of walking.

We got up this morning and I ate the largest pancake of my life along with some eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns. This put me in the ultimate food coma. We were waddling around for quite some time before heading to ‘Triple Crown Outfitters’ to grab our food, new filters, Mackenzie needed new shoes, and some other small items. The rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying others company while eating lunch and figuring out how the hell were going to fit all of our food in our bear cans. We ran into Daniel again at Grumpy Bears. His company is awesome. He’s such a character and has great energy. He’s unfortunately heading back to Germany on the fourth.

We met Bastian and Jordan who proceeded to drink far too many beers with us. Tomorrow morning is going to be a tough wake up. We’re justifying it by saying we need to calories.

We played some drinking games and finished up around 9:30 PM. Hoping for some good sleep tonight but I am not too sure of it.


Previous: Jun 27th, 2024
Next: Jun 29th, 2024

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