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June 23, 2024 - Day 37

June 23, 2024 - Day 37

jbwils Jun 24th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

Day 37… crazy to even consider that fact. I’ve been walking towards Canada for over a month. Progress is slow, but milestones are coming faster and faster.

We were up and walking by 6:30 this morning. Another hot one. I guess being in the Mojave desert has a factor on weather. We woke up after another iffy nights sleep. I think Mackenzie has entered the ‘pain cave’ as one 70+ year old woman stated on the trail to Spoons and I several weeks back. She’s 5 days in and the trail is brutal this stretch. She’s making great mileage though and seems to be enjoying the walk. Today was a tough one. A 16 mile waterless stretch to Walker Pass where we’d catch a hitch into the town of Ridgecrest.

We made our first stop at the very next campsite to have breakfast and coffee. I’ve learned to rely on these caffeine bursts to push me through quick miles in the morning. I’m having thoughts as we keep this routine that ‘pushing through’ may not be the best strategy. There’s great miles in the morning - cool, shaded, and with vistas of the soft morning light painting the landscape. There may be something to be said about simply enjoying the journey - a cliche that seems to be ringing true.

The rest of our day was filled with exposed road and trail through hot and arid weather. Progress was consistent and the thought of beer and burgers offered a welcomed goal to our day.

After roughly 10 miles, we got sight of the road below us - a route into town, aka Walker Pass. Seemingly so close, the secuitous route down dampened our spirits a tad but with less than a mile left to the day, we stopped by Patrick’s little oasis - a trail angel named Patrick that set up a shaded tent and served us chili dogs, coke, Gatorade, and ice cream. It was such a wonderful surprise - Mackenzie and Sarah’s first official trail magic. Thank you Patrick.

We got a ride back from Jeff and he dropped us off at ‘The Patriot’ - a bar that served large beer and had cold AC. Tom, the owner, came over to us and mentioned he hiked the PCT and the AT in the late 80’s. Just maps and a compass with hope that the water wasn’t dried up. A hell of a way to travel that makes what we’re doing seem easy going.

We’re now at an Air BnB - double down on what I just said - to rest on real beds, wash clothes, and take multiple showers.

Happy dreams…

Previous: Jun 23rd, 2024
Next: Jun 25th, 2024

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