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June 5, 2024 - Day 19

June 5, 2024 - Day 19

jbwils Jun 6th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

This morning we all got moving on our own time as we had a set destination for around mid-day. The natural hot springs. It was a hot morning with a fairly slow pace. We’ve all noticed that the PCT path has a fairly consistent slope from left to right. It’s caused some pain in our left legs as overtime, the stabilizing muscles have grown tired. Today was no exception.

We pushed through until around 12:30 and made it to our oasis. On the way we hit our mile 300 marker as well. The milestones have started coming faster and faster. I never thought I’d want to swim in hot springs in the desert but their situated right next to an ice cold river so you can alternate each. Our bodies thanked us for this. We soon realized that this spot was a ‘clothing optional’ space. Why is it that those that take part in nudism are never the ones you want to be naked? Anyways, we stayed at the oasis for about 4 hours and met Timber, Rollee Pollee, Summer Breeze, and one other. After resting, bathing, and enjoying the springs, we pushed onward.

After realizing we could hit McDonald’s the next day, we decided to push even further into the night. We hiked until about 3AM covering over 30 miles. This left us with about 15 miles to get to McDonald’s. After setting up camp on a lake shoreline, we started hearing the hum of bees and mosquitoes. Luckily, we’re all in our tents for the evening.

Tomorrow, is McDonald’s.

Happy meals…

Previous: Jun 5th, 2024
Next: Jun 7th, 2024

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