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June 3, 2024 - Day 17

June 3, 2024 - Day 17

jbwils Jun 4th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

We woke up this morning in our Air Bnb and had a great relaxing morning. We drank coffee and showed the international hikers Talladega Nights as an ‘accurate representation of American culture’. We spent the rest of the morning packing and securi our gear.

Tibers dad ended up being in the area and brought us all a home cooked lunch in Big Bear. Bulgogi and other Korean foods. It was such a nice meal to have and gave us opportunities to put some greens in our bodies. We wrapped up our remaining chores at the store after and headed to a pizza joint for some beer and pies.

After the slow day, we headed back out on trail for a short two mile hike to a campsite with water. We got to enjoy a nice campfire and some great resupply meals.

Happy Trails…

Previous: Jun 3rd, 2024
Next: Jun 5th, 2024

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