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May 28/29, 2024 - Day 11/12

May 28/29, 2024 - Day 11/12

jbwils May 30th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

Yesterday was a zero day in the town of Idyllwild. We loaded up on pizza, pancakes, eggs, coffee, ice cream, beer, and whatever else we could get our hands on. It was an awesome time catching up with other hikers we met previously on the trail and we managed to pick up our PCT hang tags for our bags. Basically, it’s a small piece of plastic that goes on your bag that denotes you as a thru-hiker. I was incredibly excited to get my hands on that small, seemingly kitschy, item to place on my bag. We spent the town day with Coffee Break, Samson, Spoons, Socks, Goblin, Beans, Scratch, Daniel, Fully Charged, Tiber, Lost and Found, DJ Moss, Mike, and a couple others. It was great to talk about the hike so far and we got some praise for hiking the distance and section that we did in one day. My body was definitely feeling it. We packed up for 5.5 days of food to take us to Big Bear. I also shipped ahead another box to Kennedy meadows south. Turns out, if you bounce a box forward without opening it, you get the shipping for free.

Today, we got a late start, ate another massive breakfast, and finished our chores that we had leftover from the day before. We made it to the trailhead thanks to Gwen who was moving to Idyllwild. She called herself a ‘retired hippie’ and was stoked on our adventure.

We just had a 4.5 mile walk up to our campsite but the elevation is crazy. Definitely feeling it at around 9,000 feet up. We just watched one of the best sunsets of my life and were headed up to the summit of San Jacinto for a sunrise summit. 3AM wake up. Super stoked. I’ll be heading up with Spoons, Fully Charged, Lost and Found, Mike, Tiber, Sam, Rudy, and two others.

Happy Views…

Previous: May 28th, 2024
Next: May 31st, 2024

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