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May 26, 2024 - Day 9

May 26, 2024 - Day 9

jbwils May 27th, 2024
Mozart's 2024 PCT Thru-Hike

Blistered and sore was todays theme. It seemed to be a trend across all thru-hikers we met: everyone’s hurting. 20+ mile days with no breaks is taking its toll. Rest at Idyllwild will be much needed and long overdue.

Had a 14.5 mile walk to Paradise Valley Cafe, a place where PCT hikers can camp overnight and load up on burgers, shakes, and beer. We did all three and it was glorious. We spent about 4 hours at the cafe relaxing, telling stories, and resting. We knew we only had 8 miles left and had great views in store for us. The morning was somewhat uneventful, yet offered some expansive views of the mountains surrounding us. We caught a glimpse of San Jacinto mountain, what we’ll be climbing next, and there is still snow on the peak. This will be the highest elevation we’ll reach thus far.

After lunch, we got a hitch from a guy in a blacked out Mercedes sedan. We somehow got 5 people and our backpacks in their. The guy was hilarious and turns out he just had a trunk full of electrolyte drink that he offered us. Such good timing. We then began our walk up and enjoyed the evening light painting the sides of green mountains with large tan boulders protruding all around us. Some of the most breathtaking views we’ve seen thus far. Camped with Spoons, Tiber, Fully Charged, and Lost and Found down by a spring about a mile down from the trail. A big day tomorrow and even closer to our zero.

Happy trails…

PS: I’ll post the journal entries when I get service, so if I don’t have one for certain days up yet, they’ll be multiple entries coming at a later date.

Previous: May 26th, 2024
Next: May 28th, 2024

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