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Day 119

Day 119

VeeStamats Aug 23rd, 2022
Mr. Clean's 2022 PCT Thru-Hike

I saw two grouse today! Super cool birds, very unafraid of humans.

We had tons of views today, as well as tons of climbs. But the grade was never too terrible, and we had lots of company today as Tango re-joined the crew. We also had lots of company because every hiker ever is on the trail with us right now (feels like it) since so many folks got back on trail after PCT days at Snoqualmie. We must have interacted with 50 + NOBO hikers today, not to mention the the 20-30 SOBO that we passed by. The trail is CROWDED and will probably be like this until the terminus. Alas!

Pretty much everyone is ready for the trail to end. I definitely find myself in that camp. I’m really excited to have more choice for what activities I engage in and what foods I eat. I feel that I have been a slave to this ambition I have to finish the trail and look forward to freedom.

Previous: Aug 23rd, 2022
Next: Aug 27th, 2022

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