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Day 187

Day 187

Last Call Aug 28th, 2022
Last Call's 2022 AT Thru-Hike

Yesterday was a nice zero at Shaw’s Hostel. Their breakfast is fantastic! Poet and Hippy Chick are just amazing hosts. I love the outfitter and resupply store there. I was able to get everything ready for the 100-mile wilderness and have an “inflight refueling” drop-off scheduled. I resupplied for the entire rest of this journey except for what I’ll eat on the final summit day. Since I’ll be taking my time so I can let Labor Day weekend pass first, I carried roughly 4.5 days of food in my food bag and have 4.5 days of food in the resupply bucket that they’ll hand deliver to me at 11am on the 1st. I’ll meet them at Jo-Mary Road and they’re bringing me a complimentary chilled Coke as well and will take my garbage. It’s pricy but well worth it and I split the cost with Sparkle since we put our resupply together to have it dropped off together. As for today, it was our first day into the 100-mile wilderness. It hasn’t sunk in that I’m about to finish. We keep talking about things we just did for the last time: our last shower, possibly the last flushing toilet, last hostel stay, last zero, last shuttle… In just a few days we’ll get our first view of Katadhin in the distance from the top of White Cap Mountsin. It’s going to be an amazing thing to see our finish line after over 6 months of hiking. Anyway, today we got to see multiple waterfalls, interesting mushrooms, ford a couple rivers again and deal with a lot of rocks and roots. Oh, we also crossed railroad tracks after waiting for the trail that was there to pass. That was kinda cool too. We have a few more days of some steep climbs but by the time we get our resupply on the 1st, the rest of the trail all the way to Katadhin is going to be smooth sailing. I cannot wait. It’s going to be tough to do low miles on such easy terrain but we want to stick to our plan to get to the finish line after Labor Day as they’re telling us the park will be packed during that weekend and Monday so we’ll just take our time, enjoy our last few days hiking and enjoy the camp spots next to ponds and waterfalls. We are camped next to Long Pond Stream tonight, which we had to ford and I am loving the white noise of the water rushing over the rocks. I’ll sleep well tonight. We stopped at mile marker 2,094.1 so that leaves 100.2 miles to go. Crazy! We are just a short .2 miles away from the 100 mile mark until we touch the sign on top of Katadhin. Just amazing! I still remember reaching the fire tower in North Carolina and seeing the 100 mile mark and being amazed I made it that far. Now I only have 100 miles to go on this 2,194.3 mile journey. It’s hard to wrap my head around it. Okay, off to bed and get ready to push on more tomorrow.

Previous: Aug 26th, 2022
Next: Aug 29th, 2022

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