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Day 51

Day 51

Matt Poole (House) May 29th, 2022
House's 2022 AT Thru-Hike

15ish miles

The plan today is to get up and eat breakfast and packed and hitching by 9:30. Rarely does anything go to plan so it’s closer to ten by the time we make it out to the road with a handmade sign of cardboard and sharpie saying Clean Hikers to Dalesville. Thing weren’t looking so good at the spot we were hitching from. It was kind of an awkward spot and no one was stopping. I decide to walk down the road to see if there’s a better spot. As soon as I get down there I turn around and I see a cop car stopped in front of Two Tone. I’m not aware of the hitch hiking laws here so at first I’m a little worried. But after a few more seconds I’m being waved over so jog over. Two stone is sitting in the front seat while I’m sitting in the back where the criminals would go. No complaints here though. This is the second time a cop had given us a hitch and we’ve never turned one down yet! He drives us all the way to the Walmart across town where he says we’ll be able to resupply and be in a better, closer position to hitch from.

While inside of Walmart I’m in the multivitamin aisle looking for some fiber supplements. The trail diet is not too kind to our bodies. Anyways, there’s an older lady in the aisle as well so I just asked her if she knew of anything off the top of her head that would help me. She helped me pick one out and we chatted for a second and I was off. After repacking everything outside of Walmart we start walking down to the street corner with our sign in hand to get a hitch. Out of nowhere the lady from the aisle pulled up next to us with her husband and two dogs and offered to take us directly to the trail! It pays to be nice to others and the people of Virginia are just so kind. We piled in the back of the car and we were off.

They drop us off right on the trailhead where we meet up again with Pocket Aces and Crazy Eyes. We do about 15ish miles today. Pocket Aces dropped off halfway through the day and headed back. After an hour or so of not seeing him at king we get a text that says he’s not been feeling so good and decided to head back to town. We think it’s norovirus as that’s been going around rampantly since trail days.

We get to Harvey Knob outlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway where a man has set up his camera to catch the sunset. The views are stunning and he’s cooking already. We chat him up and he offers us sodas and grilled zucchini and chicken. It was just a small amount but we are grateful and still hungry.

In the comments on Guthooks there’s a person that says he’s ordered pizza to here from a town about 13 miles away so we ring them up and low and behold, they do. We ring them at about 7 o’clock, put our order in and start patiently waiting as to not touch our food bags so we don’t spoil our dinner.

After 2.5 hours and a few phone calls our pizzas finally showed up. It’s 9:30 at this point and usually we are already in bed and have been asleep for half an hour. It’s hard to be mad at stuff like this because like how spoiled are we? We are hiking and just got a pizza delivered to us and not only did they bring us pizza but he also stopped at the store and picked us up a 6 pack to enjoy the pizza with. Although dinner was late and people were hangry, all is good in the hiker world. We stash the leftover pizza in a tree to be saved for breakfast in the morning

Previous: May 28th, 2022
Next: May 30th, 2022

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