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July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020

Zoe Greenhouse Jan 1st, 2021
Zoe Greenhouse's 2020 CT Thru-Hike

It rained last night and there was a lot of condensation so we spent some time drying things out this morning. Once we were packed up we headed down trail and stopped for water at the river. There were a ton of little chipmunks and they were sooo cute. We had a fairly uneventful morning and then it started to rain around 1. We were climbing and decided to wait until the thunder and lightning went away before heading to the more exposed terrain. Usually in Colorado it rains for maybe 20 minutes and then it’s over. But turns out there was a tropical storm somewhere around Colorado and we were getting some of it so it just didn’t stop raining. It rained allllll afternoon. We were soaked. Shoes, socks, even under my raincoat. The trail was a literal river. But we hit 200 miles!! So exciting. We finally got to camp at 9 and set up in the rain. Shocker. I opened my bag to find that a lot of things had gotten wet, including my sleep pants. I’m so tired and am going to sleep now.

Previous: Jan 1st, 2021
Next: Jan 1st, 2021

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