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Day 48

Day 48

Matt Poole (House) May 25th, 2022
House's 2022 AT Thru-Hike

24 miles

Putting on wet socks and a wet shirt for the third day in a row is really taking a psychological toll on me. It’s hard to start the day in a good mood like that. Despite this we take off yet again onto the wet trail. Especially early in the mornings, every time you brush against a bush or the wind blows slightly, the trees holding last nights rain come falling down. The trail is still wet like walking in a stream but this is part of Thru hiking. You have to take the food with the bad. And it’s really never that bad. Beats clocking into a 9-5 that’s for sure.

Because if the low hanging clouds we didn’t get to see much on the first half of the day. After lunch things started to clear up a bit when we hit Dragons Tooth. Stayed there for about 15 minutes and enjoyed the view. The climb down was a little treacherous with lots of scrambling and steep descent. The wet rock doesn’t help either. We end the day at the four pines hostel where I slept in a broken down pontoon boat in a barn because the bunkhouse was full and all the couches were taken.

Previous: May 25th, 2022
Next: May 27th, 2022

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