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Day 61

Day 61

Last Call Apr 24th, 2022
Last Call's 2022 AT Thru-Hike

Today was a nice short day. I hiked out with Taps, Kato, Donut and Dynamite. First, we came to an old farmhouse and then the school. It’s nice that places like this care kept up for people to visit and enjoy. Then it was an easy hike out where we all stopped, meeting up with others at the gas station. It was the first time I got the prideful feeling of being hiker trash sitting next to the gas station drinking a Powerade and eating junk food. Long Neck Lair Alpaca Farm is a wonderful place to stay. They’re still working on building the bunkhouse but it’s already better than most.

Previous: Apr 23rd, 2022
Next: Apr 25th, 2022

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