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Days 112 - 114

Days 112 - 114

Forrest Gump Aug 16th, 2021
Forrest Gump's 2021 PCT Thru-Hike

Robin got in at nearly 1am this morning after flight issues. I took her around town to get breakfast and run a few errands. I booked us massages with the best massage therapist I’ve ever been to. Someone I used to see when I lived in Bend. We went to see Mt. Joy and Trampled by Turtles later at night.

Robin and I decided to take one more zero rather than heading back out on trail. We were tired and since she got in so late we wanted to give time to enjoy a day off without all the errands of a zero. I didn’t mind. We ended up meeting up with Bougie, Clockwork, and JPRO for dinner and redeemed our free beer at Crux.

We woke late this morning and were so tired. We were able to arrange a ride to McKenzie Pass since that section opened up. It was only because I had a friend who wasn’t working today. We drove to Sisters and got lunch and coffee. We talked it over and we decided for logistics we’d just go hitch from 97 up to the end of the fire closure. Otherwise we’d have to hike 17 miles today and then figure out a 100 mile hitch tomorrow without the help of friends since they’re all working tomorrow.

We were driven to Terrebonne by a friend who had no AC. It was 102° out and so he left us ar a grocery store and we tried to hitch for an hour. It was so hot and miserable and nobody even came close to stopping. Instead, someone said “I don’t envy you at all. It’s 102° out today”. Nice of him.

Steven called and said now that it’s cooler he’d drive us. So he came around 6:30 and drove us the remaining hour and a half to the end of the closure. Again I felt bad about missing these miles but this is literally what the PCTA suggests on their website. So we were doing what we should. Robin and I hiked out 1.8 miles to a campsite I used to frequent years ago when I was in Portland. It’s so nice to have the company.

Previous: Aug 12th, 2021
Next: Aug 17th, 2021

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