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Day 3

Day 3

Boston Jun 29th, 2021
Boston's 2020 AT Section-Hike

This was an important day. It was a pretty section and I really enjoyed the hiking. The terrain was still easy at this point. I hiked again with Rebecca and August. It was another short day since we were following August’s lead which was pretty annoying to me. We hiked 5 miles to Hawk Mountain shelter. While I was talking with some other hikers August interrupted and told me he’d find me a flat tent site. I’m not sure why he thought I needed his help but I just said okay and continued my conversation. Turns out he set up my tent and it was literally inches from his. At this point he’s really getting on my nerves but I’m not sure how to handle it. At some point Rebecca offered me an edible, I gladly accepted. Thank goodness because not long after that, it hit me that August was a huge creep and I needed to dodge that situation ASAP. I started to feel really uncomfortable and avoided him for the rest of the night.

Otherwise, this night was a lot of fun. I hung out with Pineapple and Daniel who became quite the dynamic duo. We laughed a lot and hung out by the fire. Not long after we all went to bed it started to downpour and the tent sites were flooding. We all moved into the shelter and of course the only spot left was next to August. It made for an even more uncomfortable night of sleeping but I felt good knowing I’d make sure to get away from him tomorrow.

Previous: Jun 29th, 2021
Next: Jun 29th, 2021

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