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Day 45

Day 45

Gold Rush Apr 20th, 2021
Fir Wave's 2021 AT Thru-Hike

4/20/21 Yesterday met Barb about 1/2 way down Roan Mountain which has the highest shelter on the AT. I was starving had to ask Eagle a thru hiker on 4/18 for a Cliff bar and a random backpacker for one. I had no fuel and ate a Knorr rice meal with just water . Usually I bring too much food.Had new supplies mailed to me by Michele for Piper’s food and new tent and food from REI . Put tent up today and better than Tarptent too complicated to set up. Stayed last night at Roan Bed and Breakfast which was nice took a shower did wash. Barb went to hike Roan Mountain and I continued on the AT passing the 400 mile marker. Yesterday left NC for good now just in Tennessee. Nice weather passed Jones Falls a side trail off the AT and also Mountaineer Falls right on AT. Camped at spot with some kids. At 400 mile marker they were smoking weed I assume. Things are different know when I was growing up no one I knew hiked the AT. We went to college got jobs got married. I was brought up I guess upper middle class. Didn’t go an airplane until I was 18. Now kids travel the world hike the AT. Their parents must be paying for it. Different times. I mean I recall driving on the interstate and their was a walkway which the AT crossed must not have been more than 50 miles from where I grew up. Young people are lucky today to have this opportunity instead of waiting to be an old man of 60 like me

Previous: Apr 17th, 2021
Next: Apr 21st, 2021

Comments (1)

sarah_727 Apr 23rd, 2021

So thrilled that Barb joined you, how fantastic!
